[Review] Taste Buds - Yunus Kuntawi Aji & Kinsia Eyusa Merry

Title of Book:  Taste Buds
Author:  Yunus Kuntawi Aji & Kinsia Eyusa Merry
Publisher:  PT Wahyu Media

Radityo, wartawan tercepat dalam melaporkan kasus pembunuhan. Rekor tercepatnya adalah sepuluh detik. Tepat setelah sang pembunuh melibas leher korban, ia berada di sana. Saat itu, ia melihat pembunuhnya lari sambil membawa harta benda korban.
Motif standar pembunuhan adalan masalah ekonomi. Tugasnya sebagai wartawan adalah meliput kasus pembunuhan. Ia justru berharap korban segera mati meskipun meronta-ronta meminta diselamatkan olehnya.
"Oh tidak, tidak. Manda, kayaknya kita mulai garing deh pake bahasa kayak gini, hahaha. Ehem, oke.
Keinginan saya adalah sekiranya Anda tidak keberatan, apakah Anda bersedia bangun pagi melihat saya lagi? Makan pagi bersama saya lagi. Pulang kantor yang nongol muka saya lagi. Shalat berjamaah imamnya saya lagi. Menerima kado ulang tahun dari saya lagi. Mengurus anak bersama saya lagi. Memasak bersama chef andal, yaitu saya lagi. Sampai tua, duduk di kursi goyang, ditemani saya lagi. Saya lagi dan saya lagi.

[Review] The Wedding - Nicholas Sparks

Title of Book:  The Wedding
Author:  Nicholas Sparks
Publisher:  Grand Central Publishing

After thirty years of marriage, Wilson Lewis, son-in-law of Allie and Noah Calhoun (of The Notebook), is forced to admit that the romance has gone out of his marriage. Desperate to win back his wife, Jane's, heart, he must figure out how to make her fall in love with him... again. Despite the shining example of Allie and Noah's marriage, Wilson is himself a man unable to easily express his emotions. A successful estate attorney, he has provided well for his family, but now, with his daughter's upcoming wedding, he is forced to face the fact that he and Jane have grown apart and he wonders if she even loves him anymore. Wilson is sure of one thing--his love for his wife has only deepened and intensified over the years. Now, with the memories of his in-laws' magnificent fifty-year love affair as his guide, Wilson struggles to find his way back into the heart of the woman he adores.

[Review] The Rainmaker - John Grisham

Title of Book:  The Rainmaker
Author:  John Grisham
Publisher:  Random House Publishing Group

Grisham's sixth spellbinding novel of legal intrigue and corporate greed displays all of the intricate plotting, fast-paced action, humor, and suspense that have made him the most popular author of our time. In his first courtroom thriller since A Time To Kill, John Grisham tells the story of a young man barely out of law school who finds himself taking on one of the most powerful, corrupt, and ruthless companies in America -- and exposing a complex, multibillion-dollar insurance scam. In hs final semester of law school Rudy Baylor is required to provide free legal advice to a group of senior citizens, and it is there that he meets his first "clients," Dot and Buddy Black. Their son, Donny Ray, is dying of leukemia, and their insurance company has flatly refused to pay for his medical treatments. While Rudy is at first skeptical, he soon realizes that the Blacks really have been shockingly mistreated by the huge company, and that he just may have stumbled upon one of the largest insurance frauds anyone's ever seen -- and one of the most lucrative and important cases in the history of civil litigation. The problem is, Rudy's flat broke, has no job, hasn't even passed the bar, and is about to go head-to-head with one of the best defense attorneys -- and powerful industries -- in America.

[Review] Hannibal Rising - Thomas Harris

Title of Book:  Hannibal Rising
Author:  Thomas Harris
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group

Hannibal Lecter emerges from the nightmare of the Eastern Front, a boy in the snow, mute, with a chain around his neck. 
He seems utterly alone, but he has brought his demons with him.
Hannibal’s uncle, a noted painter, finds him in a Soviet orphanage and brings him to France, where Hannibal will live with his uncle and his uncle’s beautiful and exotic wife, Lady Murasaki.
Lady Murasaki helps Hannibal to heal. With her help he flourishes, becoming the youngest person ever admitted to medical school in France.
But Hannibal’s demons visit him and torment him. When he is old enough, he visits them in turn.
He discovers he has gifts beyond the academic, and in that epiphany, Hannibal Lecter becomes death’s prodigy.

[Review] The Naked Traveler 3 - Trinity


Title of Book:  The Naked Traveler 3
Author:  Trinity
Publisher:  B-First

Dari mulai deg-degan memasuki perbatasan Palestina, ajaibnya berenang di laut mati, lucunya berkomunikasi di China, mahalnya Timor Leste, serunya ke rumah artis Bollywood, mandi bersama orang Jepang, ngecengin cowok Korea, menyelam di Wakatobi, sampai kejadian-kejadian menggelikan akibat badannya yang lumayan geede.

[Review] Hannibal - Thomas Harris

Title of Book:  Hannibal (Hannibal Lecter #3)
Author:  Thomas Harris
Publisher:  PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama

You remember Hannibal Lecter: gentleman. genius. cannibal.
Seven years have passed since Dr. Lecter escaped from custody. And for seven years he's been at large, free to savor the scents, the essences, of an unguarded world. But intruders have entered Dr. Lecter's sanctuary, piercing his new identity, sensing the evil that surrounds him. For the multimillionaire Hannibal left maimed, for a corrupt Italian policeman. and for FBI agent Clarice Starling, who once stood before Lecter and who has never been the same, the hunt for Hannibal Lecter has begun. All of them, in their separate ways, want to find Dr. Lecter. And all three will get their wish. But only one will live long enough to savor the reward...

[Review] The Silence of The Lambs - Thomas Harris

Title of Book:  The Silence of The Lambs (Hannibal Lecter #2)
Author:  Thomas Harris
Publisher:  St. Martin’s Press

There's a killer on the loose who knows that beauty is only skin deep, and a trainee investigator who's trying to save her own hide. The only man that can help is locked in an asylum. But he's willing to put a brave face on - if it will help him escape.

[Review] The Firm - John Grisham

Title of Book:  The Firm
Author:  John Grisham
Publisher:  Random House Publishing Group

Mitchell McDeere, raised in the coal-mining region of rural Kentucky, has worked hard to get where he is: third in his class at Harvard Law. He's young. He's bright. He's ambitious. Mitch could have the pick of the big firms in New York and Chicago, but he's chosen the Memphis tax firm of Bendini, Lambert & Locke. They're selective. They pay outrageous salaries. They have a turnover rate of zero. And Mitch is about to find out why.Several events fuel Mitch's growing suspicions: two of the partners die in a suspicious diving accident off Grand Cayman; the senior partners seem unduly proud of the fact that no one has ever resigned; and security measures at the office are, even for a company with billionaire clients, more than a little extreme. Then Mitch makes an explosive discovery: The firm is owned and operated by the most powerful organized crime family in Chicago. Even as Mitch discovers the truth, he finds himself caught between the FBI, who wants an informant inside the firm, and the firm itself, which will make him a very rich man—or a very dead one.

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