November 2024 Wrap-Up & Favorites

November Wrap-Up & Favorites
Source: personal collection

Hello fellow readers! In November, I didn't read much but I watched some good series on Netflix.

Books read in November

Audition Audition - Ryu Murakami (★★★)
Audition is the third book by Ryu Murakami that I read. His writing might not be for everyone as it's usually pretty gory and brutal. However, sometimes it's the kind of book that I'm looking for so I can still stomach his book. This one is quite famous because the film adaptation has become a sort of cult classic. Like Murakami's other books that I read, the beginning of this book is pretty calm until we reach the final scene where things got escalated quickly. If you're looking for suspense, you might want to pick this book up.

November Favorites


Emily in Paris
I was looking for something easy and fun to watch because I was so tired because of work. Something easy to digest would be perfect. I know there are some negative reviews for this show, how it stereotypes French. Again, I was looking for some fun and I won't overthink it anyway. Emily in Paris does just that. I think this show has become some sort of a guilty pleasure for me. I actually looking forward to the next season.

Nobody Wants This
There were time when this show's talked about a lot on social media. Especially because of how 'green flag' the male lead is ( I think). How relieve I was when I found out that this series centers on adult romance. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy school romance but sometimes I need some fantasy that I could relate to. Also, Adam Brody is making a comeback and boy, he's swoon-worthy in this one. I feel like I used to watch him a lot on drama series such as Gilmore Girls and the OC but then suddenly he's just gone. Anyway, highly recommend this one to watch.

A Man on the Inside
One thing that attracted me to this series is Ted Danson. His role in The Good Place is so iconic that it leaves such a good impression on me. Apparently, this show is also created by The Good Place creator. A lot of The Good Place casts make appearance in this show. It's a comedy show and the premise is Danson played a role of a retiree who's hired by a private detective to go under cover at a retirement community to investigate a theft case there. It's lighthearted and touching. I'm glad they decided to make a second season of this show because honestly, the ending is pretty conclusive. Nevertheless, I look forward to the second season.

There you have it, fellow readers! Even though I only finished one book in November, I'm still happy because I found good series to watch.

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