Dewey's 24 Hour Read-A-Thon Wrap-Up [April 2014]

So the read-a-thon for April 2014 has come to an end. It's a great experience participating in this event. I'd like to thank all of the people who make this happen, the hosts, mini challenge hosts, cheerleaders, and fellow readers! Okay, onto the wrap-up, I didn't write many updates on this blog, but I kept track my reading progress on a spreadsheet.

Total books read:
2 books and 1 short story
For One More Day by Mitch Albom
The Empress of Ice Cream by Anthony Capella
A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote (from Breakfast at Tiffany's and Three Stories)
*I also managed to read 2/3 part of The Tokyo Zodiac Murders

Total pages read:

Hours spent reading:

Mini challenge completed:
intro meme, jigzaw puzzle cover challenge, your name in titles, and closing meme

Snacks consumed:
candies, dragon fruit chips, chocolate milk, taro milk tea

It was fun and I must say, I'm proud of myself that I end up reading 900ish pages. I'll most likely participate again next October. So that's my wrap-up. What about you? How's your read-a-thon?

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