[Review] Taste Buds - Yunus Kuntawi Aji & Kinsia Eyusa Merry

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Title of Book:  Taste Buds
Author:  Yunus Kuntawi Aji & Kinsia Eyusa Merry
Publisher:  PT Wahyu Media

Radityo, wartawan tercepat dalam melaporkan kasus pembunuhan. Rekor tercepatnya adalah sepuluh detik. Tepat setelah sang pembunuh melibas leher korban, ia berada di sana. Saat itu, ia melihat pembunuhnya lari sambil membawa harta benda korban.
Motif standar pembunuhan adalan masalah ekonomi. Tugasnya sebagai wartawan adalah meliput kasus pembunuhan. Ia justru berharap korban segera mati meskipun meronta-ronta meminta diselamatkan olehnya.
"Oh tidak, tidak. Manda, kayaknya kita mulai garing deh pake bahasa kayak gini, hahaha. Ehem, oke.
Keinginan saya adalah sekiranya Anda tidak keberatan, apakah Anda bersedia bangun pagi melihat saya lagi? Makan pagi bersama saya lagi. Pulang kantor yang nongol muka saya lagi. Shalat berjamaah imamnya saya lagi. Menerima kado ulang tahun dari saya lagi. Mengurus anak bersama saya lagi. Memasak bersama chef andal, yaitu saya lagi. Sampai tua, duduk di kursi goyang, ditemani saya lagi. Saya lagi dan saya lagi.

[Review] The Wedding - Nicholas Sparks

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Title of Book:  The Wedding
Author:  Nicholas Sparks
Publisher:  Grand Central Publishing

After thirty years of marriage, Wilson Lewis, son-in-law of Allie and Noah Calhoun (of The Notebook), is forced to admit that the romance has gone out of his marriage. Desperate to win back his wife, Jane's, heart, he must figure out how to make her fall in love with him... again. Despite the shining example of Allie and Noah's marriage, Wilson is himself a man unable to easily express his emotions. A successful estate attorney, he has provided well for his family, but now, with his daughter's upcoming wedding, he is forced to face the fact that he and Jane have grown apart and he wonders if she even loves him anymore. Wilson is sure of one thing--his love for his wife has only deepened and intensified over the years. Now, with the memories of his in-laws' magnificent fifty-year love affair as his guide, Wilson struggles to find his way back into the heart of the woman he adores.